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Top tips on taking selfies for dressmaking and alterations

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

If you have ever done your own dressmaking or alterations and battled with your phone and a full length mirror trying to get photos of your garment mock-ups or to see the fit of a garment that you want to alter then you have my complete sympathy.

Full length selfies

I struggled for a long time to try to get full length selfies of the things I was making or altering without success but recently I discovered a feature on my phone that has changed everything!

With the help of a low cost selfie holder that clips to my table I can now take full 360 photos of myself in full length so that I can check how my garments look from all angles.

This has not only helped me with fitting changes when I am making my own garments but also when checking the ready-to-wear clothes in my wardrobe to see if they need any alterations.

Camera settings

I found a setting in my phone's camera settings that has made all of this possible. I have an old Samsung A5 but I think lots of other android cameras have this option. In the camera settings there is a section for Shooting methods. And in there is the magic setting - Show palm.

So simple yet super effective. Once this is enabled then you can set your phone up to take a selfie and stand back from it, show your open hand to the screen and it triggers a timer to start taking the photo. There is enough time for you to then set your position (front, side or back) and hey presto it takes the selfie.

No need for outstretched arms or full length mirrors, trying to angle the camera over your shoulder to get that elusive rear angle. It's a simple as a quick wave to your lovely self and then strike a pose.

iPhone app

Now there is no need to get upset or pouty if you have an iPhone. From doing a bit of research there is an app called CamMe which seems to do the same thing (or very similar) on the iPhone.

I love this feature and now use it all the time even when I want to take pictures to show off my finished makes. I stick on some great music, dance around the room and when I am ready show my palm to the camera and capture that gorgeous natural shot.

So now you know the secret, will you give it a go? Let me know in the comments if you already use this option and if not, will you be trying it out.

Happy snapping!

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1 Comment

Whoop! Yet another informative and great podcast! Many thanks Jacqui, also for all the non sewing-related tips like the cam me android app, you are epic! Many thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise, have a fab weekend, despite the rain, sigh! Paola

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