Edit 26 Feb 2021
Slight change to extend the list of live sessions and also added links to previous recordings for easy access!
Live Sessions
I am so excited to announce a new program of live sessions that I will be delivering through the Sew Much More Fun facebook page - Tuesday Techniques.

The sessions will run every Tuesday at 13.30 GMT for around 45 mins and will cover a technical topic to help you develop your dressmaking skills.
Initial Topics - Sewing pattern adjustments
The program will focus initially on how to use commercial sewing patterns and how to adjust them to fit our beautiful, real bodies.
There are lots of benefits to using sewing patterns including:
There are a wide variety of styles to choose from
They include all the pattern elements, such as facings, that you'll need
Many patterns include different design options
They include instructions on the order in which to make the garment
They provide recommendations on what fabrics will work best and how much you will need
Other people have often already made the pattern so you can get a sense of how it might turn out
But the one big drawback is that they are designed for a 'standard' set of sizes based on a body with very specific proportions. If you don't have those same proportions then it is likely you will want to make some adjustments to the pattern to get it to fit.

So to kick off this series of live sessions I'm going to be covering some of the tips and tricks I've discovered through years of working with different patterns and some common fitting adjustments that I have used and helped others to use to customise the patterns for our beautiful, unique bodies.
Dates for your diary
If you are a Google Calendar user you can use this link to add the Sew Much More Fun FB Lives calendar to your calendar.
Here are the sessions planned over the next few weeks:
November 2020
December 2020
January 2021
12th - Basic Shoulder adjustments
26th - Broad/narrow back adjustment
February 2021
2nd - Rounded back adjustment
23rd - Intro to trouser fitting
March 2021
16th - Full thigh adjustment (trousers)
Join me!
If you have tried using patterns but struggled to get them to fit then be sure to join the Sew Much More Fun facebook group where you can ask more questions.
If you are not a Facebook user then enter your details below to join the Sew Much More Fun mailing list and I will email you to let you know when the replays are available on this website.
And if you have any fitting issue questions or things you'd like me to cover then email me at hello@sewmuchmorefun.co.uk. I do read and reply to all your emails and I love to hear from you.
I look forward to virtually meeting you!